Thursday, 21 May 2020

Some uggestions and thought process to counter current situation in Mumbai India

These are critical times and MH Govt and BMC need to act on war footage.
NY too things are improving when lock down there started much later than Mumbai.Lock down will work only if it is followed with 100% commitment by all.
Else population which is following rigorously (and compromising sitting at homes) too suffers almost as much those who break the lockdown.
Lock down being broken in numerable pockets across Mumbai is affecting State economy and the sincere segment of public of Mumbai too.
Why can't we get drones with cameras ,flying all round Mumbai, immediately reporting assembly of people in road,streets, society compounds ,so that cops can go within minutes and disperse.
When crowd that assembles has knives and daggers and ready to use against cops..Does state expect Mumbai police to fight them to disperse using their sticks ?
Can we not get CRPF ASAP.or equip trained local cops appropriately?
We see news that somewhere facility for 10000.beds is set up, we are happy to see the photos with beds etc.after 10 days we again we same news item with caption facility almost ready.
This is heart wrenching. Why is it taking so long to set up one temperory facillity where no construction is involved.when we know.people are dying due to unavailability of information about location wise available bed count.As they are shunted from one hospital to other.after waiting 4-5 hours for ambulance.
Can we not have central data repository being updated dynamically to push latest data to website?
People are calling and holding the hotlines for hours .
Shree Bhave and Rahul Sharma

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