As usual, while cursing my maid
who have been making sounds in the kitchen, I got up Saturday morning may be
15-20 minutes later than usual schedule. Thus enjoying the moments of over
sleeping. At the same time happy that one more day maid has come , and that too,
not too late.
I freshened up , while
appreciating lovely Mumbai early morning monsoon weather as well as hot tea, started reading the news
And slowly my mood started
changing. What a way to start a weekend..
If you see the four news items
which caught my attention, appeared in todays TOI Mumbai.
Each reflects a certain aspect about our society..
Each reflects a certain aspect about our society..
- 1.
6 year old rape victims has been asked to marry 8 year old son of a rapist (Apperantly this adult rapist raped her twice in 15 days-this Panchayat is so ignorant , that it does not think of the possibility of father in law getting free access for all future rapes. Has the rapist been punished ? Who is being punished? Rapist or victim? Who has gained in the process and who has lost? Sorry for the sick sarcasm.. But who is being rewarded?
- 2.
6 Rapists are given life term who rapes foreign student(I am happy about the harsh well deserved punishment . Some how sense here that victim got a better justice but was it because she was foreigner?-Hope this becomes precedence and all victims get a similar justice . Is this justice enough? Can victims be compensated further? In what way? What will be sufficient and what will be necessary?
- 3.
A group of 2 girls and 2-3 guys who were returning from their work assignment as DJs in the club , were very well protected had car and driver, and it was not too late either. Were first abused in the restaurant where they went for dinner and hence they left in a hurry only to be chased by 6 bikers who finally made them get out and bashed up everybody (while calls to various police stations were not responded to favorably-usual answers like we will inform right police station etc.) luckily bridge maintenance staff came over and assailants fled.- Here I am not happy that these girls who were doing their job and taking care of all the risks, were still molested, abused and hurt . I feel bad for their colleagues too who actually tried to help them. Very sad that multiple police stations did not respond and did not think of acting in time. But happy that some govt staff came for their rescue(This was not too late at night and still many passer bys in cars ignored and did not come to help is a concern . The chase went on for 19 minutes. Post which they were beaten up as well as molested.
Last one to my horror. A rape
victim and her family took the law in their hand and burnt the criminal rapist.
There is a lesson here that this is how the victim will react if society takes
these things lightly.
On this background I remembered comments we usually hear, from our friends ,
relatives and so called celebrities and hosts in chat shows, as soon as any rape
Girls should not
take risks - What do they mean? Girls
should not work They should not go to the college? Should they not have equal
freedom so that they too can obtain their own lively hood? Do they not deserve
some relaxation post long day at work? Should they not have equal access to
education and whatever follows after that? Late evening coaching classes has
become routine in most of the A+,A, B and C class cities.
Girls should
Dress up properly : Has any one asked
what 5 year old was wearing? What do women wear in Rajasthan ,UP and Bihar? Western
clothing is probably last 30 years trend in Metros and definitely not in
interior rural area where these rapes happen.
Why doesn’t any body
talk about the rapist himself? Is he not the prime , main and only cause? In
his absence rape will be totally prevented. I still have not seen any talk show
that discussed as to how the
o Possible future rapist can be identified? What
traits do they have?
o Can there be possible counseling sessions to such
target focus group?
o What kind of infrastructure will prevent the
rapes with in time action from authorities (eg. Cameras in lonely areas with surveillance
during certain hours)
o Can women be taught judo ,karate etc. as a
compulsory course . This is little tricky as the rapes are happening at the age
of 6 months to 60 years. but at least certain age group can be the beneficiaries
. In this regard have seen some postings etc. on FB and Emails.
o Can regulations become tighter and can judiciary system
move fast enough to have some pressure on the possible criminal? We hear
criticism on judiciary system but rarely any suggestions on immediate actions.
At the same time I try
to gather my positive spirit. In spite of upsurge in no of rape cases, I do not somehow believe that they are on
the rise. The reporting is on rise. And this may work towards betterment as
more and more details are being reported. They are being discussed in various
forums. Many suggestion for prevention are being discussed. Many organization
trying to work out on the post rape trauma of the victims. This may ultimately
result into if not great at least some improvement in the situation.
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