Sunday, 10 March 2013

Reaction to 5 Things women need to Change Proposed by Chetan Bhagat :

Very Happy with this Chetan Bhagat Article. Nice to know the 5 things about women that men want to change. I am very happy that following things neither figure nor deserve any mention.. 1. Women Raping Men 2. Women murdering men post rape 3. Groom burning 4. Dowry harassment of men by women 5. Men jumping from multistoried along with toddlers due to mental torture and agony from in laws. 

When these things or similar become rampant we can propose for Men's day. At the same time I am happy that Men in India are very very bothered and concerned about Women bitching about other women. I can understand why men feel bad when women give up rights of matrimonial property very easily. Specially when their wives do it. Not very sure whether they are happy or unhappy when their sisters give up their rights. Can also understand that women should not get trapped in relationship drama. They should learn to sacrifice only when they know that it will make them feel nice. They must not sacrifice only because (1. society expects,2. Relatives expect 3. serials and stupid old literature and moves depict so.) I agree that in the article Chetan Bhagat mentions that women should dream big. Why only women All Indians should dream big.He also mentions that women should stop faking laughter at men's joke. He needs to understand that they are not laughing at Men's jokes but laughing at their ability of joking and sense of humor. I really did not understand the point about women dropping into clueless eye flutters etc.. Don't know what kind of women company he keeps..

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