Sunday, 14 October 2018

'Me Too' : what it is meant for?

Women who are really strong and are in good position and don't feel professionally threatened, do react ,slap or even shout at the guys and create ruccus, immediately, when the incident it self happens. And they don't need to hashtag after 10 years. Those who keep quiet at that time usually do it as they feel their job or means for earning is at stake. They feel safer to bring it up after 10 years when the risks are much less or sometime it may even help them in some way. Again just hashtagging may not result in anything unless they take legal action if they really want the guy punished. To punish the guy legal action will help much more than hashtagging .Many are only hashtagging and saying that it is not to punish the guy as such but to 'release the internal pressures the have been carrying for years'. Even in Cavanaugh case it did not affect him as there was no legal action and in the basic inquiry there was no proof or witness. Only filing legal case will result in detailed inquiry investigation and proofs etc.

Thus only hashtagging seems to be serving some internal purpose and general public when fails to understand, it may give rise to whole lot of jokes floating on net on various Social networking sites. There may be jokes even if legal case is filed. Many posts floating around asking everyone not to forward jokes related to this topic. In general forwards must be controlled and in fact fowards blocking and choking bandwidths and device memories is posing great problems for users. HOwever when people are not against forwarding jokes on some other topic but they feel that those who forward jokes about Me too movement are being insensitive. Most of the jokes do redicule some segment of the society, it may be religion, Regional, Gender based, Community based,Geography based, language based. Jokes are most of the times at the expense of a person or group of people. If not people it may ridicule various practices, so called best practices, religious , regional practices etc. Jokes most of the times end up offending someone or the other. 
Should mankind stop joking as it may always offend someone? One of the post stated that  Continuously ridiculing may lead to depression and eventual suicide.
When a whole community or huge group of people are being ridiculed by forwarding jokes about them, also telling in person on various forums,,Have the suicide rate for that community gone up?
In fact We see many times members of that community  joking about themselves and enjoying. How a jokes lead to depression?If at all it makes everyone laugh and enjoy and helps take out some other or daily pressures.
Some one who could live with the (Me TOO kind of ) problem for more than 10 years,Had quite close to normal life for more than 10 years post incident, most of them doing exceptionally well,(even if some of them may have  lost some opportunities do to incident) Now hashtagged someone.. Will they be driven to depression because of jokes floating around regarding 'Me too ' so called movement? Appears highly unilkely.

Off course if it happens when you are minor etc..It is a different ball that case one should bring it up as soon as they are in a position to go for legal action..Or take support and or feel comfortable to take support of the guardians. Such incidents must not be tabboos, only then they will be openly discussed by victims as and when they happen . That will discourage such offenders also to go ahead with such offenses against women. When it is a tabboo it gains unduly negative importance , resulting in gossiping, over sensationalisation across nets etc.

Public memories are short lived and media creates havoc till it finds something else that will give better TRP. Women should learn to react and take legal action immediately. And to be able to be able to do that(in case required) they should always thrive to get to such positions. Unfortunately over the years our society (Most of the times) deliberately did not allow women to rise at faster pace (Mainly to become financially independent) by many times depriving them of higher education, some times denying them of opprtunities due to arrying off by certain age, dumping all family responsibilities when actually it is time to complete education,(Instead of sharing those by all family members).Wome find it difficult to counter such offenses then and there itself as they see many risks in near future.
Indirectly Our Society is responsible for this big mess.